Thursday, October 15, 2009


Goodness it has been hot in Texas lately.  Yesterday I wanted to do a 60 mile training ride in the afternoon but the temps were above 90 and the air was so thick with humidity it seemed to create its own form of drag.  I was strong on the bike but at my 13 mile mark I could feel the water pouring out of me and turned back for the house.  By the time 26 miles had been ridden, I hopped on the scale and had lost 6 pounds.  Unbelievable.  Next week promises to be classic Texas fall weather with temps in the 70's and no clouds or rain.  Can't wait.

My knee hurts.  It is clearly the inside ligament strap that crosses over from the inside of my left knee to the front of my leg below the knee cap.  I don't know the medical description of this part of my body but I think it is just strain from the running I've been doing lately as most runs are about 8 miles.  I am pleased with my running progress and will take it easy for a day or so.  An injury right now would put me way behind schedule.

My nutrition stinks. I wish I could do better but I lack real discipline in eating the right foods.  Lately I'm not eating enough and when I do its all mediocre or bad food.  I must change this.

Today is the gym and weights.  Tomorrow swimming and Saturday the big long ride I missed yesterday.

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