Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Back at it...

Well I just couldn't sit still.  Not for very long anyway.  I did take about a week to ten days off and it was both enjoyable and awful.  I was so antsy and anxious to get on the bike or take a run I was starting to pester those around me.

So I am back in the game.  But on a limited basis.  I do workout everyday.  These days are devoted to running and biking and I will begin to add swim workouts in December.  I am slowly building volume focusing mostly on building that volume during running.  My run has always been my weakest event.  I am a big man for triathlon.  At 6'1" and (today at least) 194 lbs it takes a lot of energy to drag myself 10 miles in any kind of respectable time.  Friends have said, "Well you have more muscle mass, shouldn't that help?".  Well that's true. In short bursts I can generate a tremendous amount of energy and force.  But over an extended period of time it takes a lot more energy for me to move 194 lbs over a given distance than a person weighing 160 lbs.  

Say a friend and I are riding a bike pretty quickly and both of us are generating 300 watts of power.  If he weighs 30 pounds less than me it just takes much less energy to move his mass over a given distance than for me over the same distance.   Or with the same energy output he is moving at a much faster speed than me. Considerably faster.  Its why unless I can drop 40-50 pounds I will never win a Half Ironman competition.  Ever.  At 194 lbs I am also at about 11% body fat. If I drop 6 more percentage points I will still weigh 182 and cannot lose any more body fat.   The male human body just won't go below 5% body fat for very long and remain healthy.

But maybe I can win a sprint triathlon...:)

So over the winter I need to lose that 5% and its very hard to do. 

But here's to trying!

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